The warmth of the years flows over the river of time and caresses the closed heart for a long time. I listen to the sound of flower bloom in the depths of time.
How time flies! The 2010s is about to end in a busy and fulfilling life.
2019, for me, is a year of change.
This year, I jumped out of my comfort zone.
This year, I came to Nanchang, a familiar but strange city.
Unlike most other students, I am a student transferred to Teensen from another city. Before coming to Teensen, I had studied in the international department of a key senior high school for nearly one year, but for various reasons, it was not satisfactory. There, I didn’t feel any pressure in my usual study, and was called the best student by others. This summer, I went to Beijing and studied in this super-first-tier city for four weeks. At that time, I really realized that I was small, and it was no exaggeration to say that it was like a drop of water dropped into the sea. From then on, I wondered whether I should take a step forward, step out of my comfort zone, and find a stage where I can truly be called an excellent student. I didn’t know where to go, but I was already on my way. After returning to Jiangxi from Beijing, by chance, I knew Teensen, and the words “The Best International High School in Jiangxi Province” came into my eyes.
I came to Teensen for the first time on August 21, just in the beginning of the school season. Under the guidance of a teacher, I auditioned for several A-level lessons in class 4, senior 2 that I had never been exposed to before. After a few lessons, I found that among the peers around me, there were many outstanding ones. A few days later, at some point, I got to know the director of Sino-American class, Mr. Xie Wanshun, who is now my head teacher. In my exchanges with him, I learned more about this school and also admired for his teaching level. All these laid the foundation for my transfer to Teensen.
在经过一段时间的深思熟虑后,9月2日,我正式来到了天行一中的中美班就读。那时已经距离8月26日开学过了一周,我对于周围的同学和老师都还非常陌生。那时的我是沉默寡言的,面对陌生的课程体系,也是一知半解。幸运的是,班上的老师和同学们都带我快速融入了这个新的集体。那些天,现在的我仍清楚的记得。刘老师在课上对我的关注、郭老师给我做的一对一Office time、悦姐在晚自习的辅导…… 这些我都铭记在心。我也幸运地在这里结交了几位知心好友,幸得识卿桃花面,从此阡陌多暖春。
After a period of deliberation, on September 2nd, I officially came to the Sino-American class in Teensen. At that time, it had been a week since the semester began on August 26, and I was still not familiar to the students and teachers around me. At that time I was taciturn. Facing the unfamiliar curriculum system, I had a scanty knowledge of it. Fortunately, the teachers and students in the class took me into this new group quickly. I still remember those days clearly. What impressed me are Rachel’s attention to me in class, Grace’s one-to-one office time, and the tutoring of Teacher Huang Yue in the evening. Here, I was also fortunate to make a few close friends who offered warmth to me.
“忆往昔峥嵘岁月,看今朝百舸争流。“ 今天的我,在这些宝贵财富的陪伴下,带着进入世界名校的梦想砥砺前行。三年磨一剑,终得梅花香。三年后的我,跨出国门,开始新的旅程。在漫漫的人生道路上,偶尔也会感到迷茫,但任重道远,即使结果可能不能尽如人意,也要在尘埃落定前全力拼搏。如此,亦是不负这风华正茂的青春,也不负这个日新月异的时代。未来十年,不忘初心,来日可期。
“Recalling the past years and seeing the current fierce battles.” Today, accompanied by these precious treasures, I am forging ahead with my dream of entering a world famous university. After three years of sharpening a sword, you will get the fragrance of success finally. Three years later, I went abroad and started a new journey. On the long road of life, I sometimes feel confused, but there is a long way to go. Even if the results may not be satisfactory, we must work hard until the end. In this way, I will live up to the glorious youth, but also this fast-changing era. In the next ten years, I will never forget my original aspiration, and look forward to the future.
撰写:George 汤俊洋
摄影:Jack 方 晨
编辑:Mary 徐文轩
翻译:Zelina 张 娜
朗读:George 汤俊洋
主编:Jane 肖 依
总编:Gary 高 陆
责任编辑:赵洋 校对:杨文博